Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Let me set the scene. Our house has been a work in progress for years . I will not disclose how many years as not to remind my wife how long she's been waiting for completion. Any way when we moved in we installed tile in the kitchen and the dining room was yet to determined so we just put carpet "temporally". So after many months well to be honest years she railroaded me into a new laminate floor for dining and kitchen floors. OK so we call Tom Nelson trusted friend and contractor for many years who brings us to a house he rehabbing and shows us the flooring we should use. We travel to Home Depot purchase the floor and bring it home, this is a rapid pace for me, no time to ponder or research on Internet for a better price just purchase full price. It killed me . But owe my wife this, she's been patient for so many years, maybe I can give her a little happiness. " OK Tom when can you start " I ask " 2 weeks" he replied. I look at my wife as the tears start to well in her eyes. "Sorry Tom this is an emergency my wife needs it done lets make her happy" He looks at me then looks at Jen and says "2 days" Thanks Nels love you see you in 2 days. DON'T WORRY I WILL GET TO THE DISHWASHER. So the next night the Neilanders unite Carson 10 boy, Madison 8 girl, Griffin 3 foreman. With crow bars and hammers every tool in the Neilander arsenal is at work . We rip up old carpet quickly Griffin preys up tack less , goggles tool belt the whole works. Done. Now the kitchen we start hammering, prying, smashing tile. Jen was doing fly bys every 15 min or so to check on progress. Madison quits, something about a urgent problem with Lea, Tia , Cindy,her American Girl Doll, I'm not sure of the name. No time to waste lets keep working guys. Now suddenly Carson remebers that he also had a book report due the next day. Yeah OK. 2 down now its me and the Griff and he worked . For the next hour he kept prying tiles and loading them in the truck he did not stop. He must have known he owed my wife a little happiness also, he's almost as bad as me . Were almost done and Carson came back to vacuum the few remaining dust spots . Smart kid, being in the kitchen at the time of completion of Operation Clean up he can get a few gravy points from his Mom. Jen comes in takes a look and I'm sure she said to herself "I wonder how long this is going to stay like this." I say 'Don't worry Hon tomorrow you'll have your new floor installed" She looked like she had some reservations, but being the awesome wife she is , she just smiled. I call Tom Nelson next morning and remind him my wife's happiness is on the line . He assured me he would have it done. Sure enough Tom finished on time and I already started putting the furniture back in when Jen arrived with the kids. She was beaming with joy. She hasn't looked at me that way in 15 years. I accomplished my mission. She was happy. Then Tom spoke. "I just want to tell you that the dishwasher is not working , I had to unhook everything when I did the floor But when we put in the new counter top Jen wants I'll hook up again". I look to the ground not wanting to look up . I slowly look side to side as I'm lifting my head . UGGGGG The look on Jens face that I so wanted to see was gone. Not unhappy I guess just disappointed. She said THE DISHWASHER DOSENT WORK? Sorry Honey give me until Easter ,I know I can make you happy again.
You see my wife thinks that the dirty frying pans , the tomato sauce pots, lawn mower, ect , ect and everything else she put in there was washed by the dishwasher and she didn't know that I usually take those items out and scrub them in the sink. Thank God she loves me. To be Continued.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Is it me or am I talking to the wall ?

Is it me or am I talking to the wall ? I can't count how many times my mother said that to me growing up. Well now it's my turn. Once again I tell my kids, "Clean your room" " Please clean your room" Hey would you guys please clean those rooms" " Your mother and I work hard you guys have to help around here." "Is it me or am I talking to the wall? GET UP AND CLEAN THOSE ROOMS NOW " All 3 get up and head towards their respective rooms mumbling how I'm the Anti Christ or something to that effect. They of course return 1 min 30 seconds later proclaiming their rooms are impeccable. Now I resort to the inevitable confiscation of various electronic items that they worship. My 8 year old daughter And my 10 year son quickly move to their rooms once again. Me touching their stuff is a risk they just can't take. Well a little better this time. Shove some under the bed , throw the rest in the closet. Bingo. 3 min 45 seconds later the both yell "Done" I look quickly . Hey, at least I don't have to look at when I pass by those disaster zones . Of course my 3 year old son was bailed out by his older brother, again. He knows the little one will just make more of mess and he'll have to pay the price of confiscation. so he lets him terrorize his mother while she's trying to make dinner.
I start thinking of all these quotes such as"Am I talking to the wall ?" my mother would constantly boom out to her 6 kids. God do have a long way to go.